If you see any of the above signs then the install is most likely still running. Is there a flickering light on the computer.Take a look for any of the following signs The first thing you need to do is check if your machine is still doing something.

Windows 10 Stuck On Just a Moment After Installing A Windows Update Stuck On Just a Moment After New Installation Windows 10 Stuck On Just a Moment After New Installation If not click on the link below to the method that applies to you. Hopefully your machine will boot to the windows 10 desktop. If still stuck, power off your machine, wait 2 minutes then power back on. If your machine is stuck on “Just a Moment” screen you can try to remove externally connected devices like USB devices, wireless mouse / keyboard, Bluetooth adapters, wait 1 hour. How To Fix Windows 10 Stuck On Just a Moment The process might take longer than 45 minutes if you have a slow or older computer. The just a moment screen should appear for 30 to 45 minutes, It is very important not to turn of your machine during this time as this could cause an issue where your machine is unable to boot to windows.

If you are stuck at the just a moment screen you will want to know how long it will take? 5 Stuck at Just a Moment Then Blue Screen How Long Does Windows 10 Just A Moment Take?.